Category: testing
Removed OpenID plugin
For cleanup and testing purposes, I have removed the OpenID plugin. I have had it disabled on this site for a long time, anyhow.
Testing Comment Email Responder
This entry is to test the Comment Email Responder plugin. When the admin (me) responds to a comment, a copy of the response is emailed to the commenter as well as posted in the entry. Update (9 July 2012): Closed comments.
Testing OpenID delegation (WP-Yadis)
This entry is for testing OpenID delegation in the comments. Specifically WordPress blogs which are delegated via the WP-Yadis plugin. Update (9 July 2012): Closing comments on this post.
Testing OpenID authentication
This entry is for testing OpenID authentication. If you have an OpenID, try it out here. If you do not have an OpenID, you will still need to fill out the Name and Email fields. The Website field (even though it has the OpenID label) remains optional. If you’re not sure if you have an…
Allowing pingbacks but no comments
Test post for allowing pingbacks (and trackbacks), but closed to comments.
Filosofo Comments Preview
Using this article for testing Filosofo Comments Preview. Allowing comments, but not trackbacks/pingbacks. Still need to modify the plugin’s theme template so that it looks pretty, but it works now. Update: Closing comments on this post; please use a more recent article for comment testing (coming soon).